For starters, I am passionate about independent documentaries!

Films that aren’t bound by corporate interests or beholden to Wall Street or restricted by political agendas. Films that give voice to marginalized groups, amplify stories ignored by mainstream media and bring difficult subjects into public conversation. Films that can educate, inspire and engage audiences.

To me, independent documentary filmmakers are among the few remaining truth tellers.


The pathway to securing a PBS broadcast has always been complex, confusing, and circuitous for most independent filmmakers.

The massive growth of Big Streamers, combined with cable cutting, has forever altered how audiences watch movies, and PBS is not immune to these changes. Linear broadcast is in permanent decline while PBS streaming is growing rapidly.

For the first time ever, PBS viewers in 2022 watched more content through streaming than linear broadcast (source: PBS Annual Report 2022). No one knows what PBS and its affiliate stations will have to do to stay accessible and relevant to their audiences, but change is a certainty.

My mission is to stay on top of where public television is going and understand how that relates to independent documentary distribution.

My goal is to build new relationships at PBS, APT, NETA, and the more than 330 PBS member stations who are shaping the future of public television.

With a deep understanding of both the needs of producers and a growing awareness of the needs of stations, I want to create opportunities and forge partnerships that benefit all parties.

If you are an independent filmmaker, I want to open doors, provide insight, and help you achieve your public television goals.